experimental curriculum

美 [ɪkˌsperɪˈmentl kəˈrɪkjələm]英 [ɪkˌsperɪˈmentl kəˈrɪkjələm]
  • 网络实验课程;经验的课程;经验课程
experimental curriculumexperimental curriculum
  1. A Study of the Structure of Business Administration Experimental Curriculum


  2. The Exploration in Experimental Curriculum Evaluation of Biology in High School


  3. Research on the Experimental Curriculum reform of Engineering Mechanics


  4. Designing Model and Its Subjective Realization Analysis of Middle School Mathematic Experimental Curriculum


  5. In this paper , the educational aim of basic chemical experimental curriculum is discussed .


  6. Construct new experimental curriculum system for modern physics experiment-reform and practice


  7. The union experimental curriculum study carries on inquires into the type study .


  8. The Research of Experimental Curriculum Reform and Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Sport Hygiene


  9. The standard demands and reforming trends of teaching in basic medicine theory and experimental curriculum


  10. On the Reasonable Arrangement of Technological Experimental Curriculum at Higher Culinary Schools


  11. The Exploration of E-Commerce Experimental Curriculum Architecture


  12. The realizing of the educational aim and the experimental curriculum aim is finally carried out to the concrete experimental instruction .


  13. An analysis of the innovation and exploring of the globosity conspectus experimental curriculum , the reconstruction of the teaching system is required .


  14. Specifically , the study was completed on the following aspects : 1 . According to film theories , I designed a set of Basic TV Photography experimental curriculum content . 2 .


  15. Chapter ⅲ discusses some notable problems in the changes of curriculum discourse in history from such aspects as the over-influence of social ideology , the maze caused in experimental curriculum discourse and the lack of individuality in curriculum discourse .


  16. Strengthen the experimental teaching curriculum of environmental hygiene qualified course under construction


  17. Exploration on the Experimental Top-Quality Curriculum Construction


  18. " Materials Science and Engineering Experiment Series " is the self-contained experimental teaching curriculum and it is independently set up as theory courses .


  19. " Relevant integrated curriculum " and " experimental integrated curriculum " were the basic forms of integrated curriculum . There are a sort of courses which are more suitable to test on the system : ( 1 ) Any computer related courses .


  20. On the Daily Achievement Test in the Experimental Area of Curriculum Innovation


  21. Experimental Research on Curriculum Reforms of General Gymnastics of PE Colleges and Universities


  22. This training platform also provides the experimental design of curriculum content , the experimental manual , which is a good help for teachers and students .


  23. However , the experimental reform on curriculum of new fundamental education has required the teachers of the primary and middle schools with very high qualities .


  24. Walking towards the Case Study of Education & Side Discussion of the New Round of Educational and Scientific Researches in the Experimental Regions of Curriculum Reform


  25. The new experimental high school curriculum starts in the fall of 2004 in Shandong , Guangdong , Hainan and Ningxia , and then across the country in an orderly way .


  26. One of the total curriculum goals in experimental " Physical Curriculum Standard " is : studying the methods of scientific seeking , developing the ability of self-learning , forming the good habit of thinking , and solving the problems by using of the physical knowledge and scientific methods .


  27. The Research on Teachers ' Experimental Ability with New Curriculum Secondary Schools


  28. Investigation Research of Student Teacher Scientific Quality in Experimental Zone of Scientific Curriculum in Junior Middle School


  29. The Investigation of the Experimental Actualities about Mathematic Curriculum Reform and the Countermeasures


  30. This paper reported mainly the reform practice and achievement of the experimental teaching of the curriculum group , including experimental teaching system and teaching contents , teaching method , and laboratory construction .
